Leaving Rio Grande Village on Wednesday morning, Frank and I rode to the Chisos Basin Lodge.

Enjoying the breakfast buffet, we loaded up on calories for a full day of riding. 20 miles down the road, Frank and I shook hands and parted. I wished him the best in his riding and vowed to stay in touch.

This cactus is one example of the desert being in full bloom. These flowers were a bright fuchsia.

Big Bend NP offers a lot of dirt road, dual sport riding that take you deep in the back parts.

Once I left the Park, I headed to Lajitas and then on to the River Road.

About 7 miles later, I found a 4x4 trail down to a dry river bed that led to the Rio Grande. This allowed me a bit of relaxation along the water's edge.

The Tipis up the River Road.

From a high spot on the road between Presidio and Marfa. Looking toward Alpine to the Northeast.

Once arriving in Marfa, I enjoyed a Chili Reno lunch.

Between Marfa and Alpine, the state of Texas has built an observatory..... to observe the mysterious Marfa Lights.

The "Four Peaked Mountain" is Twin Sisters. The old Lane Ranch 'took in' half that mountain.

Dinner with my high school basketball coach, Brent McWilliams.

Wednesday evening, my plan was to ride out to the old Lane Ranch and tent camp up in Ranger Canyon, but the thunderstorms in the area scared me off. I did ride up in the canyon and hung around for about 30 minutes, but returned to Alpine and bailed into a hotel room. This video shows the first few minutes when I first arrived in the canyon. Within 15 minutes, the wind was blowing extremely hard and the rain was just beginning. I got out of there just in time.
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