Day three at West Fest was much anticipated. This would be our biggest ride of the ADV Rally to total abot 175 miles with close to 140 miles of dirt riding to very hard high mountain trails. We would also conquer Tin Cup Pass, the toughest I have riden to date on my big Adventure Bike. The day would also feature a visit to Crested Butte for lunch and an attempt to climb all the way up Flag Mountain, unsuccessful on our big bikes. It was a great day of riding, 9am to just after 6pm.

Our morning started with a hearty pancake and bacon breakfast at the campground.

Leaving Buena Vista, we rode up the highway to Cottonwood Pass.

Looking down from Cottonwood Pass to the east, a pic of Bryce and Tyler.

Riding the dirt road hair-pin curves down the west side of Cottonwood.

After about an hour of riding west, we finally arrived at the area where we experienced a lot of great trail riding. This is all south of Flag Mountain.

The location where our quest to climb Flag Mountain ended. The road just got too rough for many of our big bikes.

Bryce, Tyler and Marcus, looking over Crested Butte. We spent about 90 minutes in CB for lunch and an attempt to liquid weld my shift lever back together, which I broken earlier in the day.

Leaving CB, we rode down the highway and up the canyon to Taylor Reservoir.

Riding further up the dirt roads, we finally arrived at Tin Cup for a rest before tackling Tin Cup Pass.

Heading up Tin Cup Pass, we found lots and lots of cattle at 11k-12k feet elevation, feasting on the high mountain grasses.

At about 11k feet, we arrived at the roughest part of the ride over TC Pass. Looking down the trail at Tyler. Off in the background, Marcus is practicing the splits.

Looking up the trail at Bryce.

The whole riding group, after achieving Tin Cup Pass.

The boys and I at the top of Tin Cup.

Once back at camp, we enjoyed the fun and festivities of a group dinner, door prize drawings (Tyler won a T-Shirt) and the infamous "De-Noob'ing" ceremony. Here you can see that Marcus and Tyler have already been "grilled" and now Bryce is getting his turn.
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