Since my wife is in Alamosa for two weeks, doing Grad Classes, I arranged for us to peel away on the bike for a weekend of New Mexico Green Chili.

The weekend started off with my buddy Matt and I leaving Colorado Springs at 7am, headed for Salida. We had planned a 550 mile loop, where I would split off early at Alamosa, so that Matt could do a 'test run' on his BMW GS.(In about a week, he is attempting a 24 hour, 1000 mile Utah ride.)

After I left Salida, I head south on 285, over 9,010 Poncha Pass.

Once arriving at Alamosa, I picked up Audra at Moffat Hall and we headed east for Trinidad, via the Highway of Legends (my second time to ride it in 5 days).

At the top of Cucharas Pass, we found the Columbine's in full bloom.

Wildlife was all over the place. Dozens of deer and several groups of elk were seen throughout the ride. This bull elk was the highlight of the ride.

Heading in to Trinidad, the view back of the canyon was awesome.
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